Acta Comeniana 29
The volume of Acta Comeniana 29 (LIII) comprises six studies that primarily deal with topics from the intellectual history and history of philosophy of the 16th and 17th centuries. The review section includes ten papers evaluating new Comeniological publications, works on humanism, natural philosophy, Trinitarian theology, second scholasticism, literary genres, and religious history of the Early Modern Period. Two extensive obituaries evaluate a work made by Radim Palouš and Klaus Schaller.
Sandra Bihlmaier addresses the relevance of the Platonic and Neo-Platonic traditions for Melanchthon’s and Ramus’ concepts of logic, as well as its influence on 16th-century Philippo-Ramist textbooks. Jan Čížek compares the concept of non-violence with the idea of universal tolerance in the works of Petr Chelčický and Jan Amos Comenius. Jacques Joseph explores the concept of imagination and the spirit of nature in the work of Henry More, a representative of Cambridge Platonism. Radmila Prchal Pavlíčková analyzes Lutheran funeral sermons from the 16th century in terms of how they depict the process of abandoning the old faith and leaning towards Lutheranism in the first generation of Lutherans and how they demonstrate the confessional orthodoxy of the deceased. Kateřina Šolcová prepared an edition of Jan Jessenius’ political-theoretical work Pro vindiciis contra Tyrannos Oratio and an accompanying study, which includes it into the broader context of monarchomachic concepts in Bohemian thought. Sergio García Rodríguez examines Descartes’ concept of drugs as a certain form of intervention in the human body and mind. The review section includes ten papers evaluating new Comeniological publications, works on humanism, natural philosophy, Trinitarian theology, second scholasticism, literary genres, and religious history of the early modern period. Two extensive obituaries evaluate a work made by Radim Palouš and Klaus Schaller.
Excerpts (in pdf):

233 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-483-1