Acta Comeniana 30
The jubilee volume of the international review Acta Comeniana 30 (LIV) in an attractive new graphic design comprises six studies. The review section provides nine reviews. The volume also includes an obituary of the outstanding Comenius scholar Dagmar Čapková written by Jiří Beneš.
Vojtěch Hladký analyses the concept of non aliud in the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa; Jiří Michalík focuses on magic and humanism in the work of Agrippa von Nettesheim; Gábor Almási discusses Machiavellian propaganda in the work of Caspar Schoppe, especially in his Secretissima instructio (1620); Simon Burton develops a comparison between Comenius and the English Puritan Richard Baxter focussing on their different inheritances from late medieval and Renaissance thought; Jesuit meditations of Antoine Sucquet are subject of an article by Tomáš Malý, and Petr Pavlas discusses Jan Patočka’s interpretation of Comenius’ triadic philosophy and publishes an English translation of Patočka’s study of the topic.
Excerpts (in pdf):

260 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-520-3