Kontradikce / Contradictions 1-2/2018

Časopis pro kritické myšlení / A Journal for Critical Thought

Joseph Grim Feinberg a kol. (ed.)

This bilingual annual publication is devoted to scholarly research and debate on the history and present of critical social thinking in Central and Eastern Europe, and the “post-communist” situation throughout the world. The journal´s second volume includes texts by Nicole Pepperell on Lukács, Dan Swain on Marxs and theories of justice, Peter Steiner on Havel, Nick Nesbitt on Deleuze and music, Vratislav Effenberger on poetry, Herbert Marcuse on aesthetics, and Alain Badiou on communism.

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publikace Kontradikce / Contradictions 1-2/2018
published: 20th February 2019
532 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-558-6
330 Kč buy online