Acta Comeniana 36
This volume of Acta Comeniana includes four articles on early modern intellectual history and eight reviews of recent literature. Márton Szentpéteri (Budapest) deals with theories of cognition in the context of philosophical influence of Herborn tradition and Dutch Cartesianism on Transylvanian intellectuals. Lucie Storchová (Prague) focuses on Humanist polemics and invectives at the University of Prague in the beginning of the 17th century. Vojtěch Hladký (Prague) compares astronomical a natural philosophical thought of Francesco Patrizi and Johannes Kepler. Kateřina Šolcová's (Prague) contribution makes an analysis of the discussion of the vacuum in the context of natural philosophy in the seventeenth-century Czech lands.
In English. The studies are accompanied by English abstracts and Czech summaries.
Excerpts (in pdf):

185 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-765-8