Juden in der mittelalterlichen Stadt/Jews in the medieval town
Der städtische Raum im Mittelalter – Ort des Zusammenlebens und des Konflikts/Urban space in the Middle Ages – a place of coexistence and conflicts
The publication shows Jewish communities of Central European towns from many points of view. It highlights about their settlements, their relationship with the ruler, their new settlements in towns, where they were evicted from, and their financial activities; it also touches on their culture, rabbinic literature, everyday life, language, burial, and relations with the Christian majority. Individual chapters present the results of original research of preserved literary and material sources.
In English and German.

published: 15th August 2015
212 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-437-4
212 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-437-4
series: Colloquia mediaevalia Pragensia
/ volume 7
162 Kč buy online