Kontradikce / Contradictions 1-2/2022
Časopis pro kritické myšlení / A Journal for Critical Thought
The new volume of Contradictions focuses on ecosocialism in the post-communist landscape.
Climate change presents an existential challenge to human existence. The need to do something is widely accepted, but capital accumulation rumbles on inexorably, even turning crises into new opportunities for extraction and valorisation. The choice between revolutionary transformation and common ruin has never been starker. This ecological crisis forces us to reconsider the socialist legacy in regard to nature, including the ambiguous attitude towards nature in East-European Marxism. This attitude, although marked by belief in the primacy of productive forces and the Promethean idea of conquering nature, involved also some voices of dissent and suggestions of alternative paths towards a socialist future. In this volume of Contradictions, we explore this complicated legacy, its historical context, and its ramifications for theory and practice today.
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Available also as an e-book version in e-pub, mobi, and pdf: Czech part, English part.

426 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-750-4